Apply for the pan- European Cyber Security Challenge 2015!
The European Cyber Security Challenge is an initiative from ENISA and organizations from six countries involved in the implementation of the first European Cyber Security Challenge in Lucerne, Switzerland.
When: mid October 2015
Who can participate?
Participants are selected by their country’s organization responsible for running the ECSC qualification. The selected participants should be the top participants from the national challenge. Among other criteria participants must be between 14 and 30 years old.
In 2015, the countries which can assemble and send a team are: Austria, Germany, Romania, Spain, Switzerland, and United Kingdom
What is the challenge?
Information on the challenges cannot be released! However, the contest will be scenario based. Among other tasks you will have to (partially) setup and fix/defend an infrastructure. Contestants have to solve security related tasks from domains such as web security, mobile security, crypto puzzles, reverse engineering and forensics and collect points for solving them.
Tasks are related to the following topics:
- Web Security
- Crypto Puzzles
- Reverse Engineering and Forensics
- (Secure) Programming
- Penetration Testing
- Attack & Defense
- Linux/Windows/MacOSX Security
- Mobile Security
- Presentation / Communication / Soft-Skills
The competition and all material related to it is in English. The language spoken with the officials/staff and the jury is English. Team-internal communication does not have to be in English.
How can you participate at the European Cyber Security Challenge?
Countries and organizers of national challenges are invited to contact ENISA if they are interested in participating in 2016 or later.
Contact: cert-relations(at)
For more information and details on the cyber security challenge please visit the following link.